Inglês, perguntado por natallyeduarda563, 1 ano atrás

2) Analise a conjugação verbal abaixo e assinale se está correta ou incorreta. I was You was He was She was It was We were You were They were *
5 pontos
3) Assinale as alternativas em que as frases estejam na negativa. *
4 pontos
Paul wasn't actor.
Melissa was a pretty woman.
Cher and Gaga weren't singers.
We were friends.
4) Relacione as colunas abaixo, dando a resposta correta para cada pergunta: *
10 pontos
No, I wasn't. Yes, it was. No, she wasn't. Yes, They were. No, we weren't.
Was it a cat?
Were they doctors?
Was she your girlfriend?
Were we a teacher?
Were you a police.
Was it a cat?
Were they doctors?
Was she your girlfriend?
Were we a teacher?
Were you a police.
5) Passa as frases abaixo para a negativa no verbo to be no passado
a) I was at school last nigth. *
2 pontos
b) Patty and Selma were sisters. *
2 pontos
c) I and you were friends. *
2 pontos

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por slahke299


2) I was - correct

You was - incorrect

he,she and it was - correct

we,you and they were - correct

3) (×) Paul wasn't actor

(×) Cher and Gaga weren't singers

4) Was it a cat?

r: Yes, it was

were they doctor?

r: Yes, they were

Was she your girlfriend

r: No, she wasn't

Were you Police?

r: No, I wasn't

5) a) I wans't at school last night

b) Patty and Selma weren't sisters

c) I and you weren't friends

espero ter ajudado ;)

natallyeduarda563: obg
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