Inglês, perguntado por larivgacarvalho9, 1 ano atrás

2 — Agora é sua vez de escrever. Usando os temas e os tópicos gramaticais estudados nos exercícios anteriores, produza textos em inglês: a) Para uma revista em quadrinhos:

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Joselittle

Faltou inserir as imagens que acompanham a questão. Vou anexa-las no final da resposta.


Hello? / Hey! Can you hear me? / I'm very busy / But you're going in the wrong way! / Can you please leave me alone? / Uf... now you can really get alone!


Adolescence is a difficult phase with many changes and doubts, don't be afraid to ask for help so you can make better decisions for your future.


To connect your videogame on the Internet, you may add an Internet connection, commonly through a home network where you gonna use a wireless router and wireless gaming adapter.

Espero ter ajudado, bons estudos.


AnaFlaviaaReis: D) be aware not selling alcoholic drinks to anyone under 18 is prohibited. if you drink do not drive
ManuhAlmeida: OBRIGADA
piqueberque: tira o not da resposta da Dkskskksksk
fabiofiusasantana65: valeu
nathanalves064: MUITO OBRIGADO M E S M O
emifreitas5: "esteja ciente de que não é proibido vender bebidas alcoólicas a menores de 18 anos....." perdi tdkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkj
souzasouzabianca02: obg
Sorayadark: obg
Marquitoslegal: Só que tem um problema? tem que marque também resposta correta?a) Lan port (PS4TM System) b) Lan cable c) Router d) Internet connectivity device such as a modern e) To the Internet.
Respondido por isaacarcanjog


Hello? / Hey! Can you hear me? / I'm very busy / But you're going in the wrong way! / Can you please leave me alone? / Uf... now you can really get alone!


Adolescence is a difficult phase with many changes and doubts, don't be afraid to ask for help so you can make better decisions for your future.


To connect your videogame on the Internet, you may add an Internet connection, commonly through a home network where you gonna use a wireless router and wireless gaming adapter.

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