Inglês, perguntado por duduumartelloo, 7 meses atrás

2 Add at, in or on where necessary.
1. Ann doesn't normally work ____the weekend, but she had to work____ last Saturday.
2. Did he send you a card_____your birthday?
3. The Browns went on holiday to Italy____ Easter and then again____ the summer.
4. Robert Burns was born______ 1759 and died_______ 1796.
5. She's going to a conference in Spain ______ a week.
6. Do you enjoy driving ______night?
7. I'm taking my driving test______4.50____September 1st.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por anonima8298
1- “at”
2- “in”
3- “in” and “at”
4- “in” and “in”
5- “at”
6- “at”
7- “at” and “on”

Não tenho certeza ok? Só estou tentando ajudar de alguma forma
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