2- (abc.sp) a forma correta da voz ativa da frases " many theowns cor be weitter in four?
a) in four farns cor write many theoremos?
b) one cor write many theoremos in four farms?
c)faur farmos com writr by many theoremo in faur farns?
d) we con write wany theirens is for farms?
Soluções para a tarefa
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(ABC – SP) A forma correta da voz ativa da frase “Many theorems can be written in four forms”, é:
a) In four forms can write many theorems.
b) One can write many theorems in four forms.
c) Four forms can write by many theorems in four forms.
d) We can written many theorems in four forms.
e) They can write many theorems in four forms.
letra e
a) In four forms can write many theorems.
b) One can write many theorems in four forms.
c) Four forms can write by many theorems in four forms.
d) We can written many theorems in four forms.
e) They can write many theorems in four forms.
letra e
obg tava doida aqui já
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Resposta: 2- (abc.sp) a forma correta da voz ativa das frases "many theowns cor be weitter in four?
a) em quatro farns cor escrever muitos teoremas?
b) um cor escreve muitos teoremas em quatro fazendas?
c) faur farmos com writr por muitos teorema em faur farns?
d) podemos escrever qual deles é para fazendas?
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