Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 10 meses atrás

1º-Escreva as frases nos tempos verbais indicados a seguir
1-simple present
2-simple past
3-present continuous
4-past continuous
5-simple future

You(to speak) French well(afirmativa)
1-you speak French well...
2-you spoke French well...
3-you are speaking French well
4-you were speaking french well
5-you will speak French well

A-John(to go) there twice a wek(afirmativa)
B-Helen(to do) the work of two people (interrogativa)
C-the teacher(to wish) to speak with you(negative)
D-Mary and Carol(to play) the piano very well(interrogativa)
E-she (to live) in far rockway(negative)
F-We(to drive) to Washington once a week(afirmativa)

(O que tá entre parênteses...é como as frases tem que estar...tipo uma interrogativa ficaria nos cinco tempos verbais na forma de pergunta)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por josueOli
A- John went there there twice a wek.

B- Did Helen the work of two people ?

C- The teacher didn't wish to speak with you.

D- Do they play piana very well ?

E- She doesn't live in far rockway.

F- We drive to Washington once a week.
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