Inglês, perguntado por vitoriacostaa97, 5 meses atrás

1º) Complete com a forma correta do verbo TO BE no PAST (Passado).
A) Thomas _______ talking to her yesterday.
B) I _______ thinking about eating a pizza tonight.
C) We _________ dancing together last Saturday night.
D) Juliana and I ________ baking the cake.
E) Your facebook ________ already opened when I saw it.

g4brielaesteves: Se gostou da resposta pode por favor curtir e avaliar? Obrigada!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por g4brielaesteves


A. was

B. was

C. were

D. were

E. was


Was - singular

Were - plural

Espero ter ajudado! BONS ESTUDOS!

vitoriacostaa97: obrigada
g4brielaesteves: de nada
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