Inglês, perguntado por emilyferreir207, 7 meses atrás

18 -Reescreva as frases de acordo com as instruções.
a) She needs a computer to do her homework.(negative)
b) I wrote a letter last night. (negative)
c) They are working for a long time in that company(negative)
e) She is going to see the film.(interrogative)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por alostgirx


a) She needs a computer to do her homework.(negative)

She doesn't need a computer to do her homework.

b) I wrote a letter last night. (negative)

I didn't write a letter last night.

c) They are working for a long time in that company(negative)

They aren't working for a long time in that company.

e) She is going to see the film.(interrogative)​

She isn't going to see the film.


- She/he/it é usado o doesn't (quando for no presente negativo)

- didn't é para o passado negativo (qualquer pronome).

- They/you/we é usado o aren't para o verbo to be no negativo.

- She/he/it é usado o isn't para o verbo to be no negativo.

Se puder me ajudar me seguindo no instagram seria muito legal @alostgirx, sigo de volta, podemos trocar uma ideia e posso te ajudar por lá também no que for possível.

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