Inglês, perguntado por xohohi1351, 1 ano atrás

15- complete as frases e a cruzadinha com some, any e seus compostos
1-there is knocking
the door
( )anybody ( ) somebody

2)lt's too dark l can't see
( )someting ( ) anything

3) do you have Money
no ,l don't have
( )any ( ) some

4) l have money for you
( ) some ( ) anything

5)l want ti tem you
about your job
( ) some ( ) someting

6) people do not think before speaking
( ) any ( ) some

7)do you have suggestion?
( ) some ( ) any

8)ls there interested on pictures?
( ) somebody ( ) anyboody​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por juhmesquita73


1- Somebody

2- anything

3- any

4- some

5- nao consegui entender a frase

6- some

7- any

8- somebody

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