Inglês, perguntado por anavitoriareis2009, 2 meses atrás

12 Choose the correct word from the box to complete the dialogue. receiver smartphone | cable or satellite TV | net | apps | online for now, my isn't working and Danny: Gordon, there was a TV show yesterday about the great and fast advance of the web. Did you watch it Gordon: No, I don't have any my father called the cable company to fix it. What was it about? Danny: It was about how the changed the way we watch TV and listen to music Now we can watch on demand using streaming platforms. Gordon: That's true! I barely watch TV these days. I watch videos on the internet and listen to songs on my using There are millions of songs to choose. And my favorite artists are all here. Danny: And anybody can host their show. All they need is a camera and a connection They are becoming as famous as regular artists. Gordon: That's really impressive.​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Nicollas548


Reciver Cable


Smartphone Apps


anavitoriareis2009: vlw cara me ajudou MT
Nicollas548: dnd
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