Inglês, perguntado por silva1999150, 4 meses atrás

11 - Reescreve as frases na forma negativa e interrogativa.
Ex She is my sister
Negativa: She is not my sister
interrogativa is she my sister?
a) The doctor is English
b) We are from Spain
c) My grandmother is a singer
d) The kids are Mexican
e) You are English
f) My car is beautiful.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vanessaaoliveeir


The doctor is not English

is the doctor english?

We are not from Spain

Are we from Spain?

My grandmother is not a singer

Is my grandmother a singer?

The kids are not Mexican

Are the kids mexican?

You are not English

are you english?

My car is not Beautiful

Is my car beautiful?

Perguntas interessantes