Inglês, perguntado por sahida6884, 8 meses atrás

10. Selecione a opção verdadeira de acordo com a tirinha.

a)Jon tells Garfield he went to the doctor that told him good news.
b)Jon tells Garfield he went to the doctor who said he was fat.
c)Jon tells Garfield he went to the doctor whose said he was fat.
d)Jon tells Garfield he went to the doctor which prescribed him some pills.
e)Jon tells Garfield he went to the doctor that considered him slim.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nandanobrea

A letra B é a alternativa certa.

sahida6884: vlw
cr3pinhobr: valeu pela resposta
Respondido por stefanivianacrt


alternativa B está correta


espero ter ajudado

cr3pinhobr: valeu
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