10. Selecione a opção em que o capitalization foi incorretamente utilizado:
As I walk by the Nile river, kids surround me playing their silly games.
China and India have together most of Earth's population
Laura used to go to Hooki, a Japanese restaurant, and order Sushi with a lot of Wasabi.
After we left the building, Mrs. Thompson arrived with her usual slow pace.
Poe crashed his Volkswagen van in an accident when turning on Yale Ave.
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Capitalization
Selecione a opção em que o ''capitalization'' foi incorretamente utilizado:
a. As I walk by the Nile river, kids surround me playing their silly games.✅
b. China and India have together most of Earth's population. ✅
c. Laura used to go to Hooki, a Japanese restaurant, and order Sushi with a lot of Wasabi.❌ (ambas são escritas em minúsculo)
d. After we left the building, Mrs. Thompson arrived with her usual slow pace. ✅
e. Poe crashed his Volkswagen van in an accident when turning on Yale Ave. ✅
⇒⇒ Onde usar ''capitalization'' >> letra maiúscula
Principais regras
a. Primeira palavra de uma frase.
She wants to study German.
b. Nomes próprios, lugares
John lives in London.
c. A maioria dos títulos honoríficos
This is Doctor Smith.
d. Períodos ou eras
This stone is from Middle Age.
e. ''I'' quando for pronome pessoal
John and I went to the beach last Sunday.
d. Locais e endereços
I live on 3489 Bridgerton Ave in Houston, Texas.
e. Meses, dias da semana, feriados, estações do ano
I was born in November.
Tomorrow is Tuesday.
It is Summer now.
Learn more

Laura used to go to Hooki, a Japanese restaurant, and order Sushi with a lot of Wasabi.
Acertei no simulado da Estácio.