10 pontos b) What are the ingredients for Pepperoni pasta? a) They are eggs, avocado, pepperoni, tomatoes, water, oliver oil, garlic, oregano and pasta. b) They are onion, pepper, pepperoni, tomatoes, water, oliver oil, garlic, oregano and pasta. c) is peppersoni pasta the author's favorite fish? a,yes,It,is b,no,It isn't d) do you like peppersoni pasta? a,yes,i do. b,no,i don't. fezes im popopo is the of?
Soluções para a tarefa
What are the ingredients for Pepperoni pasta?
R: 1 red onion, 2 red peppers, 120g pepperoni, 1 can (450g) tomatoes, 1 cup of water, olive oil, garlic, oregano, 50g pasta per person.
esta confuso a perguta mas o q eu conseguir responder foi isso
b) São cebola, pimenta, calabresa, tomate, água, azeite de oliva, alho, orégano e macarrão.
250 g de farinha de trigo (macarrão)
150 ml de água morna
2 colheres de sopa de fermento biológico
1 colher de sopa de açúcar
1/2 colher de sopa de sal
1 colher de sopa de azeite de oliva
250 g of wheat flour (noodles)
150 ml of warm water
2 tablespoons of biological yeast
1 tablespoon of sugar
1/2 tablespoon of salt
1 tablespoon of olive oil
2 dentes de alho
1/2 cebola picada
2 tomates maduros descascados e sem sementes
1/4 copo de água
3 colheres de azeite
1 pitada de açúcar
2 garlic cloves
1/2 chopped onion
2 peeled and seedless ripe tomatoes
1/4 glass of water
3 spoons of oil
1 pinch of sugar
Salame italiano, finamente fatiado
1/2 pimentão em rodelas
Queijo mussarela em fatias
Pimenta calabresa (opcional)
Italian salami, finely sliced
1/2 chili sliced
Sliced mozzarella cheese
Pepperoni (optional)