Inglês, perguntado por OnePilots1, 10 meses atrás

10 frases usando will e 10 usando going to.
Pode alternar em afirmativa, interrogativa ou afirmativa se quiserem!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por natmnog
1) I Will go to ser her
2) I Will call you Tomorrow
3)I Will accept you
4)I will have an orange juice with my meal, please.
5)You will fall if you aren't careful.
6)We will take her out to dinner.
7)I Will buy an english dictionary
8)I will not talk to him.
9)I will not talk to him.
10)You will be on Facebook.

natmnog: will be going to eat
They will be going to the next game
She will be going to the church.
My sister will be going to the cinema.
We will be going out tonight.
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