10 frases em inglês de opposite
Soluções para a tarefa
1. David is tall.
His brother, James, is short.
2. I bought a new car.
Ann has an old bike.
3. São Paulo is a big city.
Campinas is a small city.
4. My aunt has a curly hair.
My sister has a straight hair.
5. I am very thin.
My sister is fat.
6. I have some bad news for you.
The bus service is not very good.
7. I was feeling too lazy to get out of bed yesterday.
Susan is a hard-working nurse.
8. Properties are really cheap in the countryside.
A Lamborghini is an expensive car.
9. I’ve been feeling perfectly healthy.
Bob can’t come to work today because he’s sick.
10. Lizz has been so friendly to us.
Louis was really unfriendly to the group yesterday.
tall - alto
short - baixo
new - novo
old - velho
big - grande
small - pequeno
curly - encaracolado
straight - liso
thin - magro
fat - gordo
bad - ruim
good - bom
lazy - preguiçoso
hard-working - trabalhador
cheap - barato
expensive - caro
healthy - saudável
sick - doente
friendly - amigável
unfriendly - hostil