Inglês, perguntado por carolgata1carol, 1 ano atrás

10 frases do verbo eat

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MoskRocks
Pelo o que eu entendi,são 10 frases usando o verbo eat(Comer),(Mas é em algum tempo especifico??)
We eat Pizza every day (nós comemos pizza todos os dias).
She eats too much(Ela come demais)
I ate Apple last night(Eu comi maçã noite passada)
They eat Potato every lunch(eles comem batata todo o almoço)
Do you eat Brocolli ?(Você come brocollis?)
Did you eat pasta last week?(Você comeu macarrão semana passada?)
We eat fast food every month.(Nós comemos comida rápida todo mes)
The Monkey eats banana(O macaco come banana)
The turtle eats lemon every afternoon(a tartaruga come limão toda tarde)
He eats Popcorn(ele come pipoca)
She Eats fish food two times at week(ela come peixe duas vezes na semana).
Respondido por mayaravieiraj

1 - I ate fried chicken with boiled potatoes at last night's dinner

2 - My girlfriend had pasta and ribs on the grill  fou her dinner last week

3 - I'm eating a sandwich made with whole grain bread, shredded chicken, mayonnaise, bacon , onion, garlic cream, lettuce. And I am drinking a hot cup of coffee

4- The best Japanese meal I've ever eaten was flaked salmon  with cinnamon and coconut

5-Have you ever eaten Japanese food?

6-That child never ate pizza because he is allergic to wheat

7- I couldn't eat anything all day

8-She will no longer be able to eat dairy due to allergy

9- He cannot eat any kind of food whatsoever containing gluten

10- We should eat fruits and vegetables every day.

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