Inglês, perguntado por marialuiza20gat, 11 meses atrás

10 Frases com o verbo to be frases afirmativas, interrogativas e negativas.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por iurylacerda
I am beautiful!
I am sick!
I am tall !
She is Brazilian!
He is Sad!
It Is Raining!
It is cloudy!
The are Studying Now!
We are Friends!
He is Handsome!

Essas estão no modo afirmativo!

Essas são no modo interrogativo:

Am I Beautiful?
Is she a good student?
is it Cloudy?
Are They Brazilians?
Are We ugly?

Agora as em Negativo!

She is Not Ugly
I am not your friend
We are not students
They are not here
It is not Cloudy
It is not sunny

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