10 frases com o Relative pronouns What e 10 frases com o where
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⇒⇒ Relative pronoun
Palavra que introduz uma frase independente e conecta à uma frase dependente.
10 sentences using ''where''
- This is the store where we usually buy the books.
- I know a Chinese restaurant where the food is excellent.
- It is snowing in the city where I was born.
- Rio de Janeiro is the city where you can see the ''Corcovado''.
- The mall where we used to go was demolished.
- Do you remember where we caught the train last Sunday?
- London is a place where you drive on the right.
- I want to go back to where I met you for the first time.
- San Francisco is the city where Willian was born.
- I know where the keys are.
10 sentences using ''what''
- I don't know what happened last night.
- If you saw what the kids did you would cry.
- I can't imagine what he was thinking at that moment.
- They don't know what to think.
- We can do what we want.
- I admire you for what you have done.
- Helen had no idea what made his mother angry .
- I don't know what he's doing.
- I knew what was going on out there.
- I have ever accepted you for what you are.
→→ Most common relative pronouns
Who quem, que, o qual - usado para pessoas
Where onde, em que, no qual, no que - usado para lugares
When quando, no qual (plurais e feminino) - usado para tempo
That que - usado para coisas ou pessoas
Whose de quem - usado para pessoas ou objetos >> não é comum
Why por que...?
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