Inglês, perguntado por KLayandra123, 7 meses atrás

10 frases com o Relative pronouns What e 10 frases com o where

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Relative pronoun

Palavra que introduz uma frase independente e conecta à uma frase dependente.

      10 sentences using ''where''

  1. This is the store where we usually buy the books.
  2. I know a Chinese restaurant where the food is excellent.
  3. It is snowing in the city where I was born.
  4. Rio de Janeiro is the city where you can see the ''Corcovado''.
  5. The mall where we used to go was demolished.
  6. Do you remember where we caught the train last Sunday?
  7. London is a place where you drive on the right.
  8. I want to go back to where I met you for the first time.
  9. San Francisco is the city where Willian was born.
  10. I know where the keys are.

    10 sentences using ''what''

  1. I don't know what happened last night.
  2. If you saw what the kids did you would cry.
  3. I can't imagine what he was thinking at that moment.
  4. They don't know what to think.
  5. We can do what we want.
  6. I admire you for what you have done.
  7. Helen had no idea what made his mother angry .
  8. I don't know what he's doing.
  9. I knew what was going on out there.
  10. I have ever accepted you for what you are.


→→ Most common relative pronouns

Who           quem, que, o qual - usado para pessoas

Where       onde, em que, no qual, no que - usado para lugares

When        quando, no qual (plurais e feminino) - usado para tempo

That          que - usado para coisas ou pessoas

Whose      de quem - usado para pessoas ou objetos >> não é comum

Why           por que...?

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