Inglês, perguntado por tatanascimento0, 1 ano atrás

10 frases afirmativa , 10 frases interrogativa , 10 frases negativa

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por krolaine
I drink soda everyday. 

 I live with my mother.

You smile when you dance. 

She stays in my house. 

She uses a pretty necklace.

 He likes tall girls. 

We live downtown.

It fits perfectly. 

 I need a car.

I love you.

I do not talk to her. 

You do not need to tell me anything.
He does not live here. 

She does not like him. 

It does not work well. 

We do not read newspaper. 

You do not have children. 

He does not want to eat bread and ham.

I do not love my new blue car.

They do not go out on weekends. 

Do your parents travel a lot?

 Does it a red fish? 

Are you sick? 

Is it here? 

Are they great? 

Do you like her? 

Does she love him? 

Do I sing well? 

Does he paint? 

Do they use the internet?

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