10. Com os verbos terminados em -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -z e -o, acrescenta-se -es a eles para formar o Presente Simples com a terceira pessoa do singular (He, She, It): To Wash: She _______ her hair every day. (Ela lava o cabelo todos os dias.) To Kiss: The father _______ his children when they wake up. (O pai beija os filhos quando eles acordam.) To Go: He _____ to the park on weekends. (Ela vai ao parque nos finais de semana.) To Watch: He ________ all sitcoms which are broadcast on television.(Ele assiste a todos os seriados que são transmitidos na televisão.) To Buzz: Bee _______ among the flowers. (A abelha produz um zumbido entre as flores.) To Fix: It ______ the shelf to the wall. (Isso fixa a prateleira na parede.) To Do: Susan _____ her homework regularly. (Susan faz sua lição de casa regularmente.
Soluções para a tarefa
She washes her hair every day.
The father kisses his children when they wake up.
He goes to the park on weekends.
He watches all sitcoms which are broadcast on television.
Bee buzzes among the flowers.
It fixes the shelf to the wall.
Susan does her homework regularly.
She washes her hair every day. Ela lava o cabelo todos os dias.
The father kisses his children when they wake up.
O pai beija os filhos quando eles acordam.
He goes to the park on weekends.
Ela vai ao parque nos finais de semana.
He watches all sitcoms which are broadcast on television.
Ele assiste a todos os seriados que são transmitidos na televisão.
Bee buzzes among the flowers. A abelha produz um zumbido entre as flores.
It fixes the shelf to the wall.
Isso fixa a prateleira na parede.
Susan does her homework regularly.
Susan faz sua lição de casa regularmente.