Inglês, perguntado por analuiza1393, 8 meses atrás

10)Circle the appropriate subject or object pronouns.

a) Mom is coming. Look at

b) Those are my favorite books. Give [they/them] back to [l/me] as soon as possible

c) I think [he/him] is behind the curtains! Let's find [he/him]

d) [We/Us] are very upset with Ted. He never calls [we/us] to share the good news

e) ]l/Me] am very glad you can join [l/me] for lunch today!

f) Carol and Louise are playing soccer at the gym,
let's see [they/them]

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mimillis18

a) her
b) them ... me
c) he ... him
d) we ... us
e) I ... me
f) them

Espero ter te ajudado, bons estudos!
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