Inglês, perguntado por carolineeanna5p8l1zj, 8 meses atrás

1. You __________________ your cell phone while it's charging. *

a) should use

b) shouldn’t use

c) should have used

d) should stop

2. She _______________ in two hours. *

a) should arrive

b) shouldn’t arrive

c) should have arrived

d) should not arrive

Opção 5

3. It’s too cold. You _____________________ a coat.

a) should not wear

b) shouldn’t wear

c) should wear

d) should have worn

5-You_____________________. *

a) must smoke

b) must not smoke

c) have to smoke

d) has to smoke

6- We _____________ the bill today. *

a) must pay

b) must not pay

c) have to pay

d) had to pay

7. He is always sleepy in the morning. He _______________ so late. *

a) should stay up

b) shouldn’t stay

c) should stay

d) should not stay up

8. If you want to lose weight you ___________. *

a) should go on a diet

b) shouldn’t go on a diet

c) should not go on a diet

d) should have gone on a diet

9-Your mom is really tired. You _____________ her with the housework. *

a) must help

b) must not help

c) has to help

d) mustn’t help

10. You _____________ junk food everyday. *

a) must eat

b) have to eat

c) must not eat

d) has to eat

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por annagabriellabe

1. B) shouldn't use

2. A) Should arrive

3. C) Should wear

5. B) Must not smoke

6- A) Must pay

7. D) Should not stay up

8. A) Should go on a diet

9. A) Must help

10. C) Must not eat

carolineeanna5p8l1zj: De acordo com a definição procure no quadro abaixo escreva o vocábulo correspondente: Replay, Unlocked, Retell, Unsafe, Rebuild. perguntas:Tell again *

6 pontos

Sua resposta

Build again *

3 pontos

Sua resposta

Not locked *

3 pontos

Sua resposta

Not safe *

3 pontos

Sua resposta

Play again *

3 pontos

Sua resposta
carolineeanna5p8l1zj: pfvv
annagabriellabe: Tell again = Retell
annagabriellabe: Build again = Rebuild
annagabriellabe: Not locked = Unlocked
annagabriellabe: Not safe = Unsafe
annagabriellabe: Play again = Replay
annagabriellabe: Pronto!
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