Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 7 meses atrás

1. Write the simple past of these verbs. a) To drive ________________ f) To do __________________ b) To have ________________ g) To get _________________ c) To open ________________ h) To eat _________________ d) To fall __________________ i) To try __________________ e) To know ________________ j) To shout ________________ 2. Choose the alternative that best completes the sentence: Charles normally ________ water, but now he ________ Coke. a) drinks; is drinking. b) is drinking; drinks. c) was drinking; drinks. d) drink; is drinking. e) drinks, was drinking. 3. Complete with simple present. a) He ________________ basketball (play) b) They ______________ pizza on the weekend. (eat) c) Camile _______________ on the internet every day. (surf) d) Kelly _________________ English on Saturday. (study) e) James and Peter _____________ their cell phones now. (use) 4. Complete with the correct form of the present continuos. The companies are expanding their business and they __________ all the help they can get. So they __________ several people. a) need – are employing b) are needing – are employing c) needed – are employing d) are to need – employed e) needing – employ 5. Em inglês, “Você está esperando alguma carta?” seria: a) Have you been waiting for a chart? b) Are you expecting a letter? c) Are you attending any lecture? d) Are you staying for the lecture? e) Have you been hoping for a lecture? English Homework Geografia- 2ª Chamada – 1º Bim/2003 - Data: _____/_____/______ 3ª Bimestre - DATA: _______/_______/2020 TURNO: Manhã ALUNO (A): Nº 9º ANO – ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL TURMA: 1 / 2 PROF: SAMUEL PINHEIRO TOTAL DE ESCORES: ESCORES OBTIDOS: NOTA: 6. Complete using the future simple (will) a) They back by 6:30 pm. (to be) b) you me? (to help) c) When I you again? (to see) d) His parents him for being late. (not/to punish) e) they the contract tonight? (to sign) f) It us three hours to get there. (to take) g) this concert money for our school club? (to raise) h) This van with 8 people in it. (not/to break down) i) The meeting before tomorrow morning. (not/to close) j) When she me a copy of her essay? (to send) 7. Complete with present perfect (has / have + past participle) a) Karen me an e-mail. (to send) b) Dave and Pat the museum. (to visit) c) I at the pet shop. (to be) d) They already their rucksacks. (to pack) e) Marcus an accident. (to have) f) We the shopping for our grandmother. (to do) g) I just my bike. (to clean) h) Emily her room. (to paint) i) Lisa and Colin to a concert. (to go) j) My friends smoking. (to give up)

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a) To drive => drove

f) To do => did

b) To have => had

g) To get => got

c) To open => opened

h) To eat => ate

d) To fall => fell

i) To try => tried

e) To know => known

j) To shout => shouted

2. Charles normally drinks water, but now he is drinking Coke.

a) drinks; is drinking.


a) He plays basketball.

b) They eat pizza on the weekend.

c) Camile surfs on the internet every day.

d) Kelly studies English on Saturday.

e) James and Peter use their cell phones now.

4.  The companies are expanding their business and they need all the help they can get. So they are employing several people.

a) need – are employing

5. b) Are you expecting a letter?


a) They will be back by 6:30 pm.

b) Will you help me?

c) When I will see you again?

d) His parents won't punish him for being late.

e) Will they sign the contract tonight?

f) It will take us three hours to get there.

g) Will this concert raise money for our school club?

h) This van with 8 people in it won't break down.

i) The meeting won't close before tomorrow morning.

j) When she will send me a copy of her essay?


a) Karen has sent me an e-mail.

b) Dave and Pat have visited the museum.

c) I have been to the pet shop.

d) They have packed already their rucksacks.

e) Marcus has had an accident.

f) We have done the shopping for our grandmother.

g) I have cleaned just my bike.

h) Emily has painted her room.

i) Lisa and Colin have gone to a concert.

j) My friends have given up smoking.

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