Inglês, perguntado por nycolaspeverari, 7 meses atrás

1-. Write the sentences in the superlative . Follow the pattern:

(Siga o modelo)

a). Everest -------high peak--------- in the world :

Everest is the highest peak in the world.

b). Sahara ----------- large desert ---------- on the Earth.


c) Angell Falls in Venezuela , --------- high waterfall -------- in the world :


d) In Ohio , USA , there is -------- long train --------- in the world :


e) The elephant ---------- heavy animal -------- on the Earth :


f ) The wale ---------- heavy and big animal ------- that lives in the water.

___________________________________________________________g ) The Braziian Pincess ---------- precious topaz ---------- in the world :


h) David Packard ---------- rich man -------- in the world :


I )In Michigan (USA) there is ---------- powerful microscope ------- in the world:


j ) Rio Niteroi ----------- long bridge ---------- in Brazil .​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ggpedroson


B) Sahara is the largest desert on the earth.

C) Argell falls in Venezuela, is the highest waterfall in the world.

D) In Ohio, USA, there is the longest train in the world.

E) The elephant is the heaviest animal on the earth.

F) The male is heaviest and biggest animal that lives in the water.

G) The Brazilian Pincess is the most precious topaz in the world.

H) David Packard is the richest man in the world.

I) In Michigan (USA) there is the most powerful microscope in the world.

J) Rio Niteroi is the longest bridge in Brazil.

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