Inglês, perguntado por gaiaeremita, 8 meses atrás

1- Write sentences with verb to have - present tense:
a)My teacher _____a laptop. (+)
b) She_________ a flashdriver in her bag (-).
c) Jim and Joel _____a big house. (+)
d) He_________ a camcorder. (-)
e)________Mary _______a blue pen? (?) ​
Até agora de manhã o prazo pfv me ajuda

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Verb to have   >>  simple present

As respostas são:

a. has

b. doesn't have

c. have

d. doesn't have

e. does - have

a) My teacher has a laptop. (+)

b) She doesn't have a flashdriver in her bag (-).

c) Jim and Joel have a big house. (+)

d) He doesn't have a camcorder. (-)

e) Does Mary have a blue pen?


⇒⇒   Simple present - Affirmative >> verb ''to have''  >>  ter - possuir

Have >>> usado com I - We - you - They

Has >>> usado com He - She - It

I have many friends.  

You have two sisters  

He has a dog.  

She has a lot of homework.  

It has a toy.  

We have black cars.  

You have time to play soccer.  

They have white t-shirts.

Obs.: Na terceira pessoa do singular - he - she - it - o verbo ''to have'' muda para ''has'' na afirmativa

Obs.: Na interrogativa e na negativa, na terceira pessoa do singular - he - she - it - o verbo volta à forma original  >> have

→→   Simple present - Negative

Don't    + have  >>> usado com I - We - you - They

Doesn't + have >>> usado com He - She - It  

They don't have a new car.

David doesn't have an English class tomorrow.

Helen doesn't have time to have fun.

→→ Simple present - Interrogative

Do + sujeito + have     >>> usado com I - We - you - They

Does + sujeito + have >>> usado com He - She - It  

Do they have a new car?

Does he have an English class tomorrow?

Does Susan have two sisters?

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