Inglês, perguntado por YasminAlves200, 5 meses atrás

1. Write in abbreviation form. (escreva na forma abreviada). Sobre o Verbo to be

Observe o exemplo: It is expensive -> It's expensive

a) It is cheap.

b) I am strong. *

c) She is my girlfriend. *

d) He is not well. *

e) We are teachers. *

f) They are good workers.

g) What is his name? *

h) Where is her bike? *

i) That is fine! *

j) How is your mother? *

2. Dê respostas negativas curtas (short answers).

Observe o exemplo: Is she well today? -> No, she ins't.

a) Is Susan a beautiful girl? *

b) Is this car expensive? *

c) Is Mark at home? *

d) Is this orange sweet? *

e) Are these beaches clean? *

f) Is this film interesting? *

g) Is this your dog? *

h) Are your parents Chinese? *

i) Are you tall?

j) Are you American?

k) Are you right?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por isabella061017


1. Write in abbreviation form.  

a) It is cheap.

It's cheap

b) I am strong. *

I'm strong


c) She is my girlfriend. *

She's my girlfriend


d) He is not well. *

He's not very well


He isn't very well

e) We are teachers. *

We're teachers


f) They are good workers.

They're good workers  

g) What is his name? *

What's his name?

h) Where is her bike? *

Where's her bike?


i) That is fine! *

That's fine!

j) How is your mother? *

How's your mother?

2. Dê respostas negativas curtas (short answers).


a) Is Susan a beautiful girl? *

No, she isn't

b) Is this car expensive? *

No, it isn't

c) Is Mark at home? *

No, he isn't

d) Is this orange sweet? *

No, it isn't

e) Are these beaches clean? *

No, they aren't

f) Is this film interesting? *

No, it isn't

g) Is this your dog? *

No, it isn't

h) Are your parents Chinese? *

No, they aren't

i) Are you tall?

No, I'm not

j) Are you American?

No, I'm not

k) Are you right?

No, I'm not


Espero ter ajudado!!!

YasminAlves200: Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuito obrigada
isabella061017: De nada amg!❤️ Boa sorte com seus estudos! :)
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