Inglês, perguntado por mylla804, 1 ano atrás

1- write afirmative and interrogative setences
a-anna/ eat
a= n= i=
b- james /travel
a= n= i=
a= n= i=
d- they /take
a= n= i=
a= n= i=
f-nikole / listen
a= n= i=
g-they / rum
a= n= i=
h-paul /make
a= n= i=
i-they kids/do
a= n= i=
j-the boy/ drink
a= n= i=

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por salopa
Does Anna eat popcorn?
Anna eats popcorn
Anna doesn't eat popcorn

Will James travel?
James will travel to England
James won't travel to Brazil

Am I going to study today?
I'm going to study today
No, I'm not going to study today.

Do they take an English course?
Yes, they take an English course.
No, they don't take an English course.

Did she sleep yesterday?
Yes, she slept yesterday.
No, she didn't sleep yesterday.

Would Nicole listen to rock music?
Yes, she would listen.
No, she would'nt listen

No caso esse "rum" seria run, certo?
Will they run tomorrow?
Yes, they will run tomorrow
No, they won't run tomorrow

Did Paul make his job?
Yes, he made his job
No, he didn't make his job.

What will the kids do?
They will play video game
They won't play video game.

Did the boys drink yesterday?
Yes, they drank yesterday
No, they didn't drink yesterday

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