Inglês, perguntado por garfoboy70, 7 meses atrás

1-What's incorrect? [ ] Have you ever traveled abroad? [ ] I've already ate a lot. [ ] He hasn't sent the email yet. [ ] She has never drunk apple juice. [ ] Outro: 2-What about the correct? [ ] It has played a lot. [ ] I haven't gone to Dubai ever. [ ] We've never write a lot of texts. [ ] Has they ever spoken another language? [ ] Outro: 3-Complete: a) Jack has lived here _____ four years. b) Peter's studied Japanese _____ he moved to Asia. c) I've been to London _____ last month and my friend ______ three months. * a) for b) since c) since, for. a) since b) for c) for, since. a) for b) for c) since, since. a) since b) since c) for, for. Outro: 4-The correct modal verb for "obligation" is? * [ ] You couldn't finish the exercise in time. [ ] We must respect the old people. [ ] She should listen to her parents. [ ] May I drink some water? [ ] Outro: 5-Qual sentença traz a palavra "manchete" em inglês? [ ] I could see the quotations during the reading. [ ] I could find the news in the sports section. [ ] I could write the article really fast. [ ] I could read the headlines and got surprised. [ ] Outro: 6-What sentence is in Simple Past? [ ] Does she have a great house? [ ] We didn't do the homework last week. [ ] He's driven two miles up to now. [ ] Do you like pancakes with syrup? [ ] Outro:

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Respondido por npain7827


isso tá confuso poderia arrumar?

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