Inglês, perguntado por MariaAntonio307, 3 meses atrás

1. what is your opinion about racism?
(qual a sua opinião sobre o racismo?)

2. is there racial prejudice in Brazil ? How is il?
(xiste preconceito racial no Brasil? Como está?)

3. what do you think about the texts " I, too" and " Black and white" ?
(o que você acha dos textos "Eu também" e "Preto e branco?)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por targaduartev


1-my opinion about racism is what the racism is a bad thing for all kind of society, and the people have stop with this kind of comportament

2 yes, have racism in Brazil, as so every society. but it'is not so commom.


it's a good example of texts for awareness.

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