Inglês, perguntado por paty3118, 1 ano atrás

1 - Utilizando os verbos a seguir monte frases em inglês utilizando os verbos modais:
A-watch – should
B-run - should
C-sleep - must
D - eat - must
E-study - should
F-listen - should
G-learn- must

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rosyjoao

a) you should watch more shows on Tv, it's amazing!!

b) I run everyday, I should be home for a day.

c) I must have to sleep because I've been so tired...

d) I must have a big fridge bc I can't stopping eat.

e) I should study more.

f) I should listen more my parents!

g) I must learn about desserts today, I love chocolate!!

Espero ter ajudado!!

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