Inglês, perguntado por lucimara180, 10 meses atrás

1) Use these verbs below
a) to watch
b)to travel
c)to speark
d)to like
e)to write
f)to play

2)Change these sentences below to the negative and interrogative forms

A) Mary ans wered a phone call

B)John wrote(write) to his Mother yesterday

C)Peter boreght (buy) a new mot o last week

D) jane washed her car this morning

E) Richard o did his home work las night

F)Michael liked the game

G)Rose painted a beatiful picture

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jeffersonataid
I'll watch something on TV.
I'm gonna travel tomorrow.
I speak Portuguese.
I like cake.
I can't write anything.
I'll sing for the peace.

A segunda não consegui.
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