Inglês, perguntado por 4540996176, 1 ano atrás

1-Use There are ou There is conforme o caso e passe para o português:

a) _________ _________ a lot of students here today?

b) _________ __________ one book I like to read.

c) _________ ___________ two cars waiting for you.

d) _________ ____________ cats hutting at the backyard.

e) _________ ____________ a dog here, and its name is Bobby.

02 - Passe para a negativa a frase: There are two books over the table.

03 - Passe para a interrogativa a frase: There is a person at the school.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por BadLiar1305



a) Are there a lot of students here today?

b) There is one book I like to read.

c) There are two cars waiting for you.

d) There are cats hutting at the backyards.

e) There is a dog here, and its name is Bobby.

2- There are not tho books over the table.

3- Is there a person at the school?

Respondido por LilithsDaughter


A)-there are

B)- there is

C)-there are

D)- there are

E)- there is

2)- there aren't two books over the table

3)- is there a person at the school ?


O there is é usado no singular e o there are é no plural

O negativo de are é aren't

Para passarmos uma frase para a interrogativa devemos vemos colocar no is/are na frente.

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