Inglês, perguntado por laryssa3081999, 11 meses atrás

1) Use the simples future. Add 3 points for each correct answer.
A) (to study) All of us ........... Hard from now on.
B) ( to get married) Next Saturday Sam ....... To linda.
C) ( to sendo) The Jetsons ......... You a letter from México.
D) ( to open) They ....... Some fashion shops nesta month.
E) ( to get) You ......... String muscles if you practice sports.
F) ( to play) Artur Moreira Lima ......... Mozart in his Next concerto.
G) ( to havê) In a short time we ........ The money to travel abroad.
H) ( there to be) Some day ....... Peace in The world.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MrZappy
A- All of us will study from now on
b- next satuday Sam will get married to linda. 
c- the jetsons will sent you a letter from méxico.
d- they will open some fashion shops on this month.
e- you will get string muscles if you practice sports.
f- artur moreira lima will play mozart in his next concert.
g- in a shor time we will have the money to travel abroad.
h- some day there will be peace in the world.

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