Inglês, perguntado por ThaianeVivimanulala, 11 meses atrás

1) Use the appropriate subjeot pronouns to rewrite the following sentences: ( Use os pronomes pessoais apropriados para reescrever as seguintes frases) A) Jane is very beautiful. B) Dr. Phil is a famous person. C) Fred and Barnie are good Friends. D) James is good at basketball. E) Marla plays tennis. F) Andy and Ryan are friends.​

ThaianeVivimanulala: Boa tarde
ThaianeVivimanulala: Pra tds vcs??
ThaianeVivimanulala: Pra tds vcs?
ThaianeVivimanulala: Pra tds vcs??
ThaianeVivimanulala: Pra tds vcs?
ThaianeVivimanulala: Me ajudam aiii
ThaianeVivimanulala: tá bom
ThaianeVivimanulala: Vlw
ThaianeVivimanulala: Blz
ThaianeVivimanulala: Ok

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mafyy


a) She is very beautiful.

b) He is a famous person.

c) They are good friends.

d) He is good at basketball.

e) She plays tennis.

f) They are friends.

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