Inglês, perguntado por cruzmaciell72, 6 meses atrás

1 Use "Should/ shouldn't/ Must/mustn't Could/couldn't / May para preencher os espaços abaixo.
Antes de responder leia a material
a) Before you buy this black dress, you
try it on
b) She has broken her arm in three places. It
be painful
c) Tommy doesn't like his job. He
look for a new one.
d) My son
ride a bike until he was eight years old. He was scared.
you understand what we were talking about?
1) You
sell cigarettes and alcohol to children. It's forbidden!
go out to a disco club tonight. Do you want to join us?
I) You
drive when you are drunk
1) Don't call me after 9 p.m.!
be studying.
D) How
you do that to your parents? It was very rude of you!
g) We​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por daphinneohanna


a) should

b) must

c) should

d) couldn't

e) couldn't

f) mustn't

g) could

h) mustn't

i) must

j) could



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