Inglês, perguntado por jorge12535, 4 meses atrás

1-Use as regras da First Conditional e complete os espaços: If+simple present+simple future:

b)If he_____________hard, he____________ his examinations. (study/pass)

c)If it ___________, we___________ to the beach. (rain/go-neg)

d)If Henry __________, he can help us. (come)

e)If you __________class regulary, you_________ much English. (attend/learn)

f)If the weather_______ nice tomorrow, we________ to the beach. (be=am ou is ou are/go)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  First conditional

b)  If he studies hard, he will pass his examinations. (study/pass)

c)  If it rains, we won't go to the beach. (rain/go-neg)

d)  If Henry comes, he can help us. (come)

e)  If you attend class regulary, you will learn much English. (attend/learn)

f)  If the weather  is nice tomorrow, we will go to the beach. (be=am ou is ou are/go)

→→ First Conditional / Primeira condicional - Situação real ou possível  


If + present simple + will / might / can + verbo  

If she is happy I will be happy.  

If David arrives earlier we might have dinner together.

If you go to bed earlier you can wake up at 6:30am

Normalmente, usamos os ‘’modal verbs’’  ‘’will’’ – ‘’can’’ – ‘’might’’ no futuro. Will: usado quando é provável que a situação irá acontecer.

Might: usado quando não se tem certeza da ocorrência da situação.

Can: usado quando não se tem certeza se a situação irá acontecer ou não.

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