Inglês, perguntado por dheyladossantoscosta, 6 meses atrás

1. Use a forma do Adjetivo Comparativo para completar as sentenças.

A) My brother is 30 and I am 35. He is __________________________ I am. (young)

B) A plane is _________________________ a car. (big)

C) Joanna is ________________________ Anita. They're both eighteen.

D) Tortoises live ______________________ cats. (long)

E) The blue pen costs $1.00 and the red one costs $ 2.00. The red pen is

_________________________________ the blue one. (expensive)

2. Use a forma do Adjetivos Superlativos para completar as sentenças.

A) Joan is _________________________ student in my class. (smart)

B) Planes are ___________________________ means of mass transportation. (fast)

C) Which is ____________________________ alternative source of energy? (good)

E) In my opinion, samba is _____________________________ kind of Brazilian music.


3. Complete as sentenças com as palavras abaixo, nas formas dos Adjetivos Comparativos e

Superlativos, de acordo com o CONTEXTO de cada frase.

expensive / small / strong / cold / beautiful

A) Sam is ____________________________ his sister. He's 1.72 m. and she's 1.60 m.

B) Aluminum is ___________________________ than plastic.

C) Gold is much ________________________________

iron. Gold is considered a precious metal.

D) Last night was ______________________________

night of the year. Thermometers registered minus 10°C.

E) Rio de Janeiro is one of ______________________________ cities I know.

4. Escreva abaixo o comparativo e superlativo dos Adjetivos.


Tall : Taller e Tallest







Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kiyoomibabe

1. a) younger.

b) bigger

c) the same age as.

d) longer

e) more expensive

2. smarter

b) faster

c)  the best

d) a nice.

3.a) smaller

b) stronger

c) expensive

d) colder than

e) most beautiful

4. i am sorry i forgot.

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