1- (UECE) – Aponte o vocábulo que REALIZE, se inclui entre os FALSOS COGNATOS.
(A) Invention;
(B) Conflict;
(C) Lecture;
(D) Proverb.
2- (PUCRS) – “Today” can be substituted by all the alternatives except
(A) These days;
(B) ]nowadays;
(C) Presently;
(D) Actually.
3- Qual a traduação correta da frase: “She pretended not to care about him”.
(A) Ela pretendia não se importar com ele.
(B) Ela pensou em cuidar dele.
(C) Ela fingia não se importar com ele.
(D) Ela pretendia não se interessar por ele.
4- (USF) -“About two-thirds of U.S. high school students work, with Half putting in an average of 20 hours a week or more. Although few need to help support their families, American teenagers outwork others around the world. In boom nations such as Germany and Japan, teenager employment is rare and seldom involves more than five hours a week.” De acordo com o texto:
(A) Metade dos jovens americanos tem empregos de período integral
(B) Os jovens americanos trabalham, em média, 20 horas por mês.
(C) Um terço dos jovens alemães e japoneses trabalha cinco horas por semana.
(D) A maioria dos adolescentes americanos que trabalha não precisa ajudar no orçamento familiar
5- (UFSC) – Choose the correct proposition(s) to complete the following paragraph.Children__________a long sock at the end of their bed on Christmas Eve, December 24th , _________ that Santa Claus will come down the chimney____________ night and bring them small presents, fruit and nuts. Their expectations are usually not _________!
(A) Hide- thinking – on- motivated;
(B) Put – expecting – at- frustaded;
(C) Place- wishing – in – explained;
(D) Have – feeling – after the - disagreed.
6- Mark the option that completes the sentence correctly: He_______ that his lack of success_____ to depress him.
(A) Says/ is beginning;
(B) Is say/ beginning;
(C) Say/is beginning;
(D) Says/are beginning.
7- (PUCCAMP - SP) – People______ both girls are looking forward to the prize, but none of them_________ about getting it.
(A) Think – care;
(B) Think – cares;
(C) Thinks – care;
(D) Think – caring.
8- (UNESP – SP) - Mark the option that completes the sentences correctly: When children are frequently exposed to violent scenes on TV, They______ about violence anymore because They_______ anything wrong in it.
(A) Care; don’t see;
(B) Don’t care; can’t see;
(C) Don’t care; didn’t see;
(D) Didn’t care; couldn’t see.
9- (IME – RJ) – Choose the right alternative . “The 9:15 bus to town never _______ here but it ___________ at this moment because an elderly Woman__________ the street.”
(A) stops – is stopping – crosses;
(B) stop – is stopping – is crossing;
(C) stops – is stopping – is crossing;
(D) are stopping – stops – is crossing
Soluções para a tarefa
1- (UECE) – Aponte o vocábulo que REALIZE, se inclui entre os FALSOS COGNATOS.
(A) Invention;
(B) Conflict;
(C) Lecture;
(D) Proverb.
2- (PUCRS) – “Today” can be substituted by all the alternatives except
(A) These days;
(B) Nowadays;
(C) Presently;
(D) Actually.
3- Qual a traduação correta da frase: “She pretended not to care about him”.
(A) Ela pretendia não se importar com ele.
(B) Ela pensou em cuidar dele.
(C) Ela fingia não se importar com ele.
(D) Ela pretendia não se interessar por ele.
4- (USF) -“About two-thirds of U.S. high school students work, with Half putting in an average of 20 hours a week or more. Although few need to help support their families, American teenagers outwork others around the world. In boom nations such as Germany and Japan, teenager employment is rare and seldom involves more than five hours a week.” De acordo com o texto:
(A) Metade dos jovens americanos tem empregos de período integral
(B) Os jovens americanos trabalham, em média, 20 horas por mês.
(C) Um terço dos jovens alemães e japoneses trabalha cinco horas por semana.
(D) A maioria dos adolescentes americanos que trabalha não precisa ajudar no orçamento familiar
5- (UFSC) – Choose the correct proposition(s) to complete the following paragraph.Children__________a long sock at the end of their bed on Christmas Eve, December 24th , _________ that Santa Claus will come down the chimney____________ night and bring them small presents, fruit and nuts. Their expectations are usually not _________!
(A) Hide- thinking – on- motivated;
(B) Put – expecting – at- frustrated;
(C) Place- wishing – in – explained;
(D) Have – feeling – after the - disagreed.
6- Mark the option that completes the sentence correctly: He_______ that his lack of success_____ to depress him.
(A) Says/ is beginning;
(B) Is say/ beginning;
(C) Say/is beginning;
(D) Says/are beginning.
7- (PUCCAMP - SP) – People______ both girls are looking forward to the prize, but none of them_________ about getting it.
(A) Think – care;
(B) Think – cares;
(C) Thinks – care;
(D) Think – caring.
8- (UNESP – SP) - Mark the option that completes the sentences correctly: When children are frequently exposed to violent scenes on TV, They______ about violence anymore because They_______ anything wrong in it.
(A) Care; don’t see;
(B) Don’t care; can’t see;
(C) Don’t care; didn’t see;
(D) Didn’t care; couldn’t see.
9- (IME – RJ) – Choose the right alternative . “The 9:15 bus to town never _______ here but it ___________ at this moment because an elderly Woman__________ the street.”
(A) stops – is stopping – crosses;
(B) stop – is stopping – is crossing;
(C) stops – is stopping – is crossing;
(D) are stopping – stops – is crossing