Inglês, perguntado por leonardofari4s, 8 meses atrás

1. This is my friend.____________ name in Peter. Her Our Yours His 2. Mike is ____________. my sister's friend friend my sister friend from my sister my sister friend's 3. My brother is ____________ artist. the an a --- 4. ____________ 20 desks in the classroom. This is There is They are There are 5. Paul ____________ romantic films. likes not don't like doesn't like isn't likes 6. Sorry, I can't talk.I ____________ right now. driving 'm driving drives drive 7. ____________ a piece of cake? No, thank you. Do you like Would you like Want you Are you like 8. The car pak is ____________ to the restaurant. next opposite behind in front 9. They ____________ in the park when it started to rain heavily. walked were walking were walk are walking 10. We've been friends ____________ many years. since from during for 11. You ____________ pay for the tickets. They're free. have to don't have don't need to doesn't have to 12. These are the photos ____________ I took on holiday. which who what where 13. He doesn't smoke now, but he ____________ a lot when he was young. has smoked smokes used to smoke was smoked 14. This town ____________ by lots of tourist during the summer. visits visited is visiting is visited 15. He said that his friends ____________ to speak to him after they lost the football match. not want weren't didn't want aren't wanting 16. Excuse me, can you ____________ me the way to the station, please? give take tell say 17. I wasn't interested in the performance very much. ____________ . I didn't, too Neither was I Nor I did So I wasn't 18. Take a warm coat, ____________ you might get very cold outside. otherwise in case so that in order to 19. ____________ this great book and I can't wait to see how it ends. I don't read I've read I've been reading I read 20. She ____________ for her cat for two days when she finally found it in the garage. looked has been looked had been looking were looking 21. It's cold so you should ____________ on a warm jacket. put were dress take 22. Paul will look ____________ our dogs while we're on holidays. at for into after 23. They're coming to our house ____________ Saturday. in at on with 24. I phoned her ____________ I heard the news. minute during by the time the moment 25. I feel very ____________ . I'm going to go to bed! nap asleep sleepy sleeperOs espaços com ? podem ser corretamente preenchidos com: * Imagem sem legenda A / À / A A / A / À À / A /A A / A / A À / À / À

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por LouiseDeLaVallière

1 his

2 my sister's friend

3 an

4 there are

5 doesn't like

6 'm driving

7 would you like

8 in front

9 were walking

10 for

11 don't have to

12 which

13 used to smoke

14 is visited

15 didn't want

16 tell

17 não entendi, dscp


desculpa, amanhã eu termino de responder. eu estou mt cansada e com dor de cabeça.

gostaria de terminar agora e te ajudar, mas não será possível. :(

Respondido por rcezare

1. This is my friend. His name is Peter.

2. Mike is my sister's friend.

3. My brother is an artist.

4. There are 20 desks in the classroom.

5. Paul doesn't like romantic films.

6. Sorry, I can't talk. I'm driving right now.

7. Would you like a piece of cake? No, thank you.

8. The car park is next to the restaurant.

9. They were walking in the park when it started to rain heavily.

10. We've been friends for many years.

11. You don't need to pay for the tickets. They're free.

12. These are the photos which I took on holiday.

13. He doesn't smoke now, but he used to smoke a lot when he was young.

14. This town is visited by lots of tourists during the summer.

15. He said that his friends didn't want to speak to him after they lost the football match.

16. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the station, please?

17. I wasn't interested in the performance very much. Neither was I.

18. Take a warm coat, otherwise you might get very cold outside.

19. I've been reading this great book and I can't wait to see how it ends. I

20. She had been looking for her cat for two days when she finally found it in the garage.

21. It's cold so you should put on a warm jacket.

22. Paul will look after our dogs while we're on holidays.

23. They're coming to our house on Saturday.

24. I phoned her the moment I heard the news.

25. I feel very sleepy. I'm going to go to bed!

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