Inglês, perguntado por mariaeduardacosta25, 1 ano atrás

1- The verb have is an irregular verb. The Present Simple is:
I _______________ He _________________ You _____________She________________
We _____________ It __________________ They ______________you_______________

2_ Choose the correct answer and translate:
a) My dog have /has a long tail.
b) The coffee have/has milk in it.
c) They have/has the correct answer.
d) The flag of Israel have/has a star on it.
e) I never have/has a clean room.
f) The house have /has a lot of furniture.
g) The water have/has a bad taste.

3- Fill in the blanks with: has / have
a) We_______________beautiful flowers in our garden.
b) Jane ______________five new English books.
c) I _______________tiopse an expensive sport car.
d) They _______________douros a big villa not far from the beach
e) My sister_______________ a lot of dolls in her room.
f) My father_______________ a computer in his office.

g) Sandra and I_______________ five pets .
h) My mother_______________ a pretty orange bag.
i) Orit_______________ some friends in Haifa.
j) You_______________ ten notebooks.
k) I_______________ a desk and two chairs in my bedroom.
l) Robert_______________ a tall brother.
m) These boys_______________ blue eyes.
n) Dana_______________ two pen pals in Australia.
0) The pupils_______________ havehas a new computer room .
p) The dog_______________ havehas a very big doghouse.
q) Bill Gates_______________ havehas a lot of money .
r) He_______________ havehas short blond hair .
s) They_______________ havehas four tickets to the show .
t) This girl_______________ birthday in April .

mariaeduardacosta25: presciso para hj

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Anavlis2018


1- The verb have is an irregular verb. The Present Simple is:

I have

You have

She has

He has

It has

We have

You have

They have

2_ Choose the correct answer and translate:

a) My dog have /has a long tail.

Meu cachorro tem uma cauda longa.

b) The coffee have/has milk in it.

O café tem leite nele.

c) They have/has the correct answer.

Eles têm a resposta correta.

d) The flag of Israel have/has a star on it.

A bandeira de Israel tem uma estrela nela.

e) I never have/has a clean room.

Eu nunca tenho um quarto limpo.

f) The house have /has a lot of furniture.

A casa tem muitos móveis.

g) The water have / has a bad taste.

A água tem um gosto ruim.

3- Fill in the blanks with has / have:

a) We have beautiful flowers in our garden.

b) Jane has five new English books.

c) I have tiopse an expensive sport car.

d) They have douros a big villa not far from the beach.

e) My sister has a lot of dolls in her room.

f) My father has a computer in his office.

g) Sandra and I have five pets.

h) My mother has a pretty orange bag.

i) Orit has some friends in Haifa.

j) You have ten notebooks.

k) I have a desk and two chairs in my bedroom.

l) Robert has a tall brother.

m) These boys have blue eyes.

n) Dana has two pen pals in Australia.

0) The pupils have a new computer room.

p) The dog has a very big doghouse.

q) Bill Gates has a lot of money..

r) He has short blond hair.

s) They have four tickets to the show.

t) This girl has birthday in April.


To have - Present Simple - Forma Afirmativa

I have

You have

He has

She has

It has

We have

You have

They have

Respondido por Rubens0013


1- The verb have is an irregular verb. The Present Simple is:

I have

You have

She has

He has

It has

We have

You have

They have


2-Choose the correct answer and translate:

a) My dog have /has a long tail.

TRADUÇÃO:Meu cachorro tem uma cauda longa.

b) The coffee have/has milk in it.

TRADUÇÃO:O café tem leite nele.

c) They have/has the correct answer.

TRADUÇÃO:Eles têm a resposta correta.

d) The flag of Israel have/has a star on it.

TRADUÇÃO:A bandeira de Israel tem uma estrela nela.

e) I never have/has a clean room.

TRADUÇÃO:Eu nunca tenho um quarto limpo.

f) The house have /has a lot of furniture.

TRADUÇÃO:A casa tem muitos móveis.

g) The water have / has a bad taste.

TRADUÇÃO:A água tem um gosto ruim.


3- Fill in the blanks with has / have:

a) We have beautiful flowers in our garden.

b) Jane has five new English books.

c) I have tiopse an expensive sport car.

d) They have douros a big villa not far from the beach.

e) My sister has a lot of dolls in her room.

f) My father has a computer in his office.

g) Sandra and I have five pets.

h) My mother has a pretty orange bag.

i) Orit has some friends in Haifa.

j) You have ten notebooks.

k) I have a desk and two chairs in my bedroom.

l) Robert has a tall brother.

m) These boys have blue eyes.

n) Dana has two pen pals in Australia.

0) The pupils have a new computer room.

p) The dog has a very big doghouse.

q) Bill Gates has a lot of money..

r) He has short blond hair.

s) They have four tickets to the show.

t) This girl has birthday in April.



To have - Present Simple - Forma Afirmativa

I have

You have

He has

She has

It has

We have

You have

They have

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