1. That man prayed the prayer. * 2 pontos The prayer was prayed by that man. That man was praying the prayer. That man prays the prayer. 2. Those women built their houses. * 2 pontos Those women was building their houses. Those women builds their houses. Their houses were built by those women. 3. He sold the old car. * 2 pontos He sells the old car. The old car was sold by him. He is selling the old car. 4. I make the same mistakes. * 2 pontos The same mistakes are made by me. I made the same mistakes. I am making the same mistakes. 5. Ezequiel and Viviane bake the delicious cakes. * 2 pontos The delicious cakes are baked by Ezequiel and Viviane. Ezequiel and Viviane are baking the delicious cakes. Ezequiel and Viviane baked the delicious cakes.
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Passive voice
1. That man prayed the prayer.
The prayer was prayed by that man.
That man was praying the prayer.
That man prays the prayer.
2. Those women built their houses.
Those women was building their houses.
Those women builds their houses.
Their houses were built by those women.
3. He sold the old car.
He sells the old car.
The old car was sold by him.
He is selling the old car.
4. I make the same mistakes.
The same mistakes are made by me.
I made the same mistakes.
I am making the same mistakes.
5. Ezequiel and Viviane bake the delicious cakes.
The delicious cakes are baked by Ezequiel and Viviane.
Ezequiel and Viviane are baking the delicious cakes.
Ezequiel and Viviane baked the delicious cakes.
→→ Voz passiva - objeto será o sujeito da passiva
John drives the black car. >> voz ativa
The black car is driven by John. >> voz passiva
the black car - sujeito da passiva
John - objeto
→→ Estrutura Passive voice no Simple Present
Objeto + am/is/are + particípio + complemento
→→ Estrutura Passive voice no Simple Past
Objeto + was/were + participle + complemento
Learn more
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25204537
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/26758566