Inglês, perguntado por dudinha598, 7 meses atrás

1) Sublinhe a opção correta.

a) There is/are a kite in the sky.

b) There is/are four ants on the grass.

c) There is/are a sandwich in the bag.

d) There is/are six eggs in the basket.

e) There is/are eleven children in the class.

f) There is/are a flower on the table.

g) There is/are two birds in the tree

Mee ajudaaa por favoe

h) There is/are a chair behind you.

2) Complete the sentences using THERE IS or THERE ARE.

a) __________ a book on the bookcase.

b) __________ three students in the classroom.

c) __________ some pencils in the pencil case.

d) __________ an eraser on the desk.

e) __________ some exercises to do.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por oiburrinhaa


1) a- There is

b- There are

c-There is

d- There are

e- There are

f- There is

g- There are

2) a- There is

b- There are

c- There are

d- There is

e- There are

Espero ter ajudado!

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