Inglês, perguntado por sarafamilia418, 7 meses atrás

1 - sit / on the / bench / they

1 ponto

a)They bench on the sit

b) They sit on the bench

2 - we / walk / often / in the forest

1 ponto

a) Often walk we in the forest

b) We often walk in the forest

3 - hockey / the boys / playing / are

1 ponto

a) The boys are playing hockey

b) The boys hockey are playing

4 - Frank and Robert / after / school / meet

1 ponto

a) Meet Frank and Robert after school

b) Frank and Robert meet after school

5 - Brazil / from / she / is

1 ponto

a) Brazil from she is

b) She is from Brazil

6 - read / at home / I / books

1 ponto

a) I read books at home

b) I at home read books

7 - tests / we / write / sometimes

1 ponto

a) Sometimes tests we write

b) We write tests sometimes

8 - has / he / one / sister / brothers and two

1 ponto

a) One sister and two brothers has he

b) He has one sister and two brothers

9 - the girls / every / Saturday / to the club / go

1 ponto

a) Every Saturday the girls to the club go

b) The girls go to the club every Saturday

10 - kitchen / are / the / you / in

1 ponto

a) You In the kitchen in

b) You are in the kitchen

11 - singing / new / a / now / he / is / song

1 ponto

a) He a song is now singing new

b) He is singing a new song now

12 - like / do / I / not / Mondays

1 ponto

a) I do not like Mondays

b) Mondays I do not like

13 - night / cats / not / sleep / at / do / usually

1 ponto

a) Cats do not at night sleep usually

b) Cats do not sleep at night usually

14 - Computer / Junior and Mary / are / using / the

1 ponto

a) Junior and Mary are using the computer

b) Junior and Mary the computer are using

15 - tennis / my / play / does / friend / not

1 ponto

a) My friend does not play tennis

b) Does not my friend play tennis

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sofiavtp16


1 - b) They sit on the bench

2 - b) We often walk in the forest

3 - a) The boys are playing hockey

4 - b) Frank and Robert meet after school

5 - b) She is from Brazil

6 - b) I at home read books

7 - b) We write tests sometimes

8 - b) He has one sister and two brothers

9 - b) The girls go to the club every Saturday

10 - b) You are in the kitchen

11 - b) He is singing a new song now

12 - b) Mondays I do not like

13 - b) Cats do not sleep at night usually

14 - a) Junior and Mary are using the computer

15 - a) My friend does not play tennis

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