Inglês, perguntado por cleidecastilhocccc, 9 meses atrás

1) Simple Past questions with was/were Simple Past: Write questions with was or were.

a)I was in London. _______ I in London?

b)You were in Liverpool. _________you in Liverpool?

c)He was in Berlin. ___________he in Berlin?

d)We were in New York. ______________ we in New York?

e)You were in Hamburg. ___________you in Hamburg?

f)They were in Birmingham.
___________ they in Birmingham?

2)Simple past questions - regular verbs Simple past: write questions.

a) You watched the birds yesterday.
_________you the birds yesterday?

b)He learned English last year. ___________he English last year?

c) liked apples when I was young.
___________ I apples when I was young?

d) Mrs Dawson taught French last year.
____________Mrs Dawson French last year?

e)They asked many questions last time.
___________they many questions last time?

f)We opened the windows yesterday.
_________ we the windows yesterday?

g)She talked to David a week ago.
____________ she to David a week ago? With irrecular verbs​

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Respondido por dsouzza176

hai lorena, tá passada?

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