Inglês, perguntado por voithelena3, 7 meses atrás

1) She ………. computer games this morning.

( ) play

( ) played

( ) plaied

2) They …….. e-mails to the principal last week.

( ) wrote

( ) writed

( ) written

3) My father ……….. my question.

( ) didn’t understand

( ) didn’t understood

4) Emily ………… her house last Friday.

( ) didn’t clean

( ) didn’t cleaned

5) ……… Roger …….. a beautiful song to his mother?

( ) Did / sing

( ) Did / sang

6) ……… you ………. to buy apples?

( ) Did / forgot

( ) Did / forget

7) Did Alexander and Peterson work at a store in 1985?

( ) Yes, they did.

( ) Yes, they didn’t.

8) Did Mary read the book Harry Potter last year?

( ) No, she did.

( ) No, she didn’t.

9) This morning, I …….. very early, then I …… my breakfast, ….. my material and …… to


( ) waked up / prepared / taked / walked

( ) woke up / prepared / took / walked​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por laisgevaerd
1) played

2) wrote

3) didn’t understand

4) didn’t clean

5) Did / sing

6) Did / forget

7) Yes, they did

8) No, she didn’t

9) woke up / prepared / took / walked

voithelena3: obrigada você não sabe o quanto eu te agradeço
Respondido por hyunchip




3)didn't understand

4)didn't cleaned

5)did sing

6)did forgot

7) n sei desculpe

9)waked up/ prepared/ taked/ walked


sinto muito pela 7 e 8 eu n sei

voithelena3: a maioria tá errado
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