Ed. Física, perguntado por nicolecarolinep2ec5b, 7 meses atrás

1- She bring many friends to our party.*
a- she don't brought many friends to our party/ Did she bring many friends to our party?
b-she didn't bring many friends to our party/Did she bring many friends to our party?
c- she didn't bring many friends to our party/ Does she brings many friends to our party?
d-She doesn't brought many friends to our party./ Does she brought many friends to our party?
2-Why did she get up late?( because she was tired)*
a-she got up late because she is tired
b-She gets up late because she was tired
c- she got up late because she was tired
d-she didn't is tired​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gigioosantos


1-b 2-c


nicolecarolinep2ec5b: vlww;)
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