Inglês, perguntado por Juliana977hjh, 11 meses atrás

1) Rewrite the direct questions into indirect ones.
1. Can you tell me where the nearest store is?
2. Do you know why that girl crying is?
3. Could you tell me if there is any soda left?
4. Does she know if you are coming tonight?
5. Do you know how many books you have?
6. Does he know if they like barbeque?
7. Can you explain what he wants?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MarlomRV
I wonder where the nearest store is

I wonder why that girl is crying

I wonder if there's any soda left

I wonder if she's coming tonight

I wonder how many books you have 

I wonder if the knows they like barbecue

I wonder if you can explain what he wants
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