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Ayumu, the chimpanzee, plays a number memory game faster and more accurately
than any human player. Credit: T. Matsuzawa, Primate Research Institute.
Whatever you do, don't challenge a chimpanzee named Ayumu to a number memory
game. In 2007, it became famous for its lightning speed at a game that goes like this: A
player views a computer screen where the numbers 1 through 9 appear briefly at once
and then turn to white squares. The player then taps the squares where the numbers
had been, in order from 1 to 9. People can do it. But no human competitor has ever
completed the game faster or more accurately than Ayumu, the chimp. Fast-forward
five years: it remains undefeated.
Psychologist Nicholas Humphrey of Darwin College at Cambridge University in
England now thinks he knows the secret behind the chimp's ability. Humphrey suspects
Ayumu's brain may have a condition that allows the chimp to see numbers as colors.
This would mean that Ayumu may see a color glow after the number vanishes. Then,
instead of remembering the numbers, it remembers a sequence of colors, each
associated with a number. "When you get extraordinary results, you need to look for
extraordinary ideas to explain them," Humphrey told Science News.
Adapted from
a) O nome de um país do reino Unido-
b) O nome do psicólogo que fez a pesquisa--
c) O nome do animal que participou da pesquisa--
d) A palavra cores
e) A palavra chimpanzé
f) A palavra primata-
g) A expressão jogo da memória-
h) O nome da universidade que aparece no texto-
i) A palavra habilidade-
j) A expressão competidor humano-
k) O ano em que a pesquisa ficou famosa-
alguém pode ajudar por favor?
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
A) England
B) Nicholas Humphrey
G)Memory Game
H)Cambridge University
J)Human Competitor
Espero ter ajudado! <3
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