1 – Responda a questão abaixo para consolidar o que você aprendeu sobre o uso de might.
I. She told me she ______________ come, but she wasn’t sure.
a) may
b) might
II. Indique qual das opções indica o mesmo que a frase abaixo.
It’s possible that they don’t study here any longer.
a) They mightn’t study here any longer.
b) They can’t study here any longer.
III. Reescreva a frase abaixo usando o verbo modal might.
It’s possible that they forget to phone her.
2. Complete as frases abaixo escolhendo a lacuna correta para posicionar os adjetivos entre parênteses. Observe o modelo abaixo:
I have a ____________ bag ____________. (new). I have a new bag
Regra geral, os adjetivos em inglês são posicionados antes do substantivo. Assim, diferentemente do que temos na língua portuguesa (primeiro o substantivo e depois o adjetivo: bolsa nova), em inglês o adjetivo new (novo) deve ser posicionado antes do substantivo (bag): new bag.
a) The students ____________ look ____________. (worried)
b) He is a ____________kid ____________. (smart)
c) I think she met ____________ someone ____________. (new)
d) She bought an ____________ awesome ____________ house. (big)
3 – a seguir complete os espaços em branco com a sequencia de adjetivos para completar o texto. Dark Deeds, de Anne Marie Becker. Livro 4, Caçadores de Mentes.
Walking away from sexy Detective Diego Sandoval ______ one of ______ things security specialist Becca Haney ever had to do, but when he’s assigned to help keep her safe from a human trafficking ring and an admirer ______ only as “the Fan,”, he’s determined to stay by her side and learn about the woman behind the passion – scars and all.
a) was/the toughest/known
b) were/toughest/known
c) were/the toughest/knew
d) was/tougher/know
e) are/tougher/know
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1. I. b
III. it might be possible that they forget to phone her.
2. A) the students look worried
b) he is a smart kid
c) i think she met someone new
d) she bought an big awesome house
3. A
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