Inglês, perguntado por karinybritosilva, 8 meses atrás

1. Replace the underlined nouns with a subject pronoun (substitua os nomes sublinhados por um subject
pronoun – pronome pessoal em inglês):
a. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were married. _____________________
b. Miss Brown is very smart. __________________
c. That cat is black. __________________
d. Lucas is my boyfriend. __________________

e. Bridges close next Sunday for competition. _______________
f. Andy and I are cousins. ____________
g. January is a hot month in Brazil. ____________

2. 3. Leia a notícia a seguir e escreva, em Português, qual é a temática dela.
a) Recycled urine holds secret to dwindling nutrient
The world is going green, but do we want to go yellow? Recycling our paper, plastic and metal goods
has become common practice, but now scientists are recycling urine to extract precious nutrients
before they hit the sewage system.
______________________ ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por marhyam

1. a- They were married

b- She is very smart

c- It is black

d- He is my boyfriend

e- They close next Sunday for competition

f- We are cousins

g- It is a hot month in Brazil

2.3. O texto fala sobre como todos falam de salvar o planeta e reciclar objetos mas agora cientistas estão reciclando urina para obter os bons nutrientes.

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